There are 7000 children without school places in Staffordshire. Our educational services are designed to help you reach your full potential. From personalized tutoring to test preparation, we are here to support you on your journey. Discover how we can help you today!
Everyone has 'special needs!'
"Most alternative provision is delivered through Pupil Referral Units (PRUs), AP academies, registered independent schools and general hospital schools, all of which are regulated as schools. However, some alternative provision education is delivered in unregistered settings which fall outside any existing designation as a “school”. These include a wide range of providers, from dedicated tutoring companies and online providers to bespoke vocational training and therapeutic support. This provision, commonly known as unregistered alternative provision, is highly valued by some commissioners. When used under the right circumstances it can potentially offer a crucial ‘hook’ back into learning for children and young people with complex needs who require bespoke packages of education, training, and support."
Understanding the use of unregistered alternative provision - call for evidence (2022)
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